Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rediscovering the beauty of baths and other bonuses of being ill...

So I'm still sick. I could atttribute this to stress and tension, or lack of sleep, or the shit weather, or that my idiot German roomates insist on keeping windows open in Novermber for "fresh air". The nice thing is, sickness is kind of holy here. Preventative medicine still reigns supreme. Mostly. If you don't count my boss, that is. Any other German employer would have banished me to my house until I actually had a voice again. Not Frau Reder. Foruntately, in my apartment, this whole "sickness-as-holy" thing still works. My otherwise very resource-conscious roomates keep telling me I should take an Erkältungsbad, which is a bath with eucalyptus and other things that are suppose to clear out your upper respiratory system. (i opted for the bubble bath instead.) I get clucked over a lot, and Cindy, the other girl, makes me lots of tea. And I'm excused tonight from our communal grocery shopping extravaganza. Which is actually great, because as much as I love grocery shopping (and I really, truly do) going with my two roomates would really suck the fun out of it. The good news is however, that we've got our menu planned for the rest of the month. I wish I were joking and I wish that by "we" I didn't mean "Zee Germans". But I do. Here, for your amusement (please prepare to have every German stereotype viciously reinforced):

W: Schmorkohl mit Kartoffeln (stewed cabbage with potatoes)
Th: Gefüllte Paprika mit Gürkensalat (stuffed peppers with cucumber salad)
F: Milchreis (rice in milk. I can't actually explain it, but it's with cinnamon and sugar)
Sa: Hackbraten, Kartoffeln, Erbsen (Meatloaf, potatoes and peas)
So: Linsen Eintopf mit Wiener (yeah, that says "wiener". Lentil stew with vienese sausage)
M: Nudeln mit tomatensauce (Pasta and tomato sauce)
Tu: Rouladen, Rotkohl, Kartoffeln (some type of pig, potatoes and red cabbage)
W: Fetahackauflauf (hamburger & feta casserole)

...I could go on, but the overabundance of potatoes would overwhelm you. I had to lobby hard for the noodles. It won't surprise you at all to hear that last year, in the high school I worked at, when I asked kids what they would miss if they were forced to move to someplace like South East Asia, a majority of every class said potatoes. Yes. Potatoes. Like potatoes exist no place else. The prdominance of meat, otherwise known as "hack" (short for hackfleisch: literally, hacked up meat) can be attributed to Stephan and Christian, our two resident carnivores. I love a good steak, but there's a limit to how much meat and potatoes a girl can take!

Anyway, I should continue planning my lessons for tomorrow. As a rebellion, I'm just bringing word searches and other little riddles for the kids. I mean, how the fuck am I supposed to teach them English if I can't talk, for christ sake?! Oh well. I'm off to my copy shop. It's mine because I'm there literally every single day. They automatically give me the receipt now. It's nice.

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