Thursday, June 18, 2009

What you missed...

Ach, Kinders...
Sorry about that. The month of March really threw me for a loop and things just kept going from there. The early childhood ed program I'm doing also kicked it up a notch and two of my colleagues had some serious mental and physical health problems (respectively) that kept me doing overtime and away from regular updates. 

But I'm back. I hope to keep y'all amused with some amusing tidbits more regularly from now on. 

So here's a rundown of what all's happened since I last updated. 

-Gramps died. That was a rough one, folks. I haven't lost enough people close to me to be good at grieving yet. I'm still working on it.
-Angie seperated from her partner of almost ten years. Also rough--a real readjustment for all of us--and a lot of crisis management.
-The apartment search was also intensified in March because we realized that we had to be out of the old place by May.

-Found and proceeded to not get a series of lovely apartments.
-Found, almost lost but did in the end sign on a really lovely apartment.
-Packed like a crazy person while working ridiculous overtime for 2 impaired colleagues.
-MOVED IN in a germanically organized move of epic proportions.
-Bought tickets for the Americana Extravaganza (coming to a city near you starting 07.19.09)

-Intensive period of nestling, settling and socializing with all the new kids in the neighborhood.
-Un-packed like a crazy person.
-Enjoyed the obscene number of bank holidays Germany and Western Europe have on offer in May.

-Wrote and handed in an idiotic number of small assignments for school. In German. Which turns a small idiotic assignment into a somewhat larger undertaking.
-Started going through the motions of planning the Birthday/Warming Party 
-Ditto on the Americana Extravaganza
-Got a guilt trip and FINALLY updated my blog.

Sooooooooooo, time for a funny tidbit of the day.
Yesterday, my colleague Julianita (name changed for comedic/germans are discovering facebook purposes) started freaking out because my other colleague Mattholomew apparently has a habit of not being germanically cleanly. It'd be damn hard for him to, seeing as he's Australian. Anyway, Julianita is going on and on about how much it bothers her that he left his shoes laying around, etc. etc. What does she decide to do? 
Hide them. 
Yaaay for adult problem solving skills! 
So this morning, Mattholomew comes to work and looks for his work shoes. Can't find 'em anywhere...which I admit was pretty funny. Everyone kept referring him to Julianita, but he doesn't take the bait and starts walking around in Uggs in June. Julianita can't keep a punchline to herself, so she starts trying to take the piss a bit to cover up for the fact that she well...actually cares. Except you could blatanly tell that she really cared, and it actually wasn't all that funny. Mattholomew was kind of like, 'well, eat me'--for good reason, if you ask me...I mean, she ain't his Mama and it ain't his problem that she has to clean up after her husband and sons at home all the time. I mean...I have to admit, I enjoyed the viewing/free worktime entertainment, but really folks--there are things WORTH getting upset about, and there are things that aren't. 

Moral of the story: Take it easy. This sometimes means taking the easy way out, but you keeps your blood pressure low and keeps you from turning into a semicrazed, shoe hiding Julianita.

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