Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Diet Update (more to come)

So I haven't even gotten around to posting about my birthday yet. Hm. Well, I suppose it's not that bad, seeing as I was enjoying myself far too thoroughly to take pictures, I have nothing even remotely incriminating to post. Not that there was even anything terribly incriminating going on...I bought myself (as an extra birthday treat...not that I didn't get enough loot) a bottle of the best wine EVER (nieva sauvingon blanc, or something to that effect) and proceeded to drink it by myself while the other 20 people there emptied the hard liquor. I kept offering it to people, but I think everyone just thought it was cheap german wine from Lidl so they all said no. More for me! It was great though--officially the first party I've been at where there wasn't a huge traffic jam in the kitchen. We got clever and  set up the buffet in the living room. Somehow the balcony became the new kitchen and was packed the whole night. It was a testament to all my new neighbors that nobody complained. As is apparently the trend when you get older, the party was decidedly more food-based than booze-based. I think I might be growing up. It was still a blast though. The dynamic was much better than last year--a lot of ways crossed for the first time, a lot of people met and liked eachother...while eating great food and drinking quality beverages. That's what I call a party. 


I deal with screaming children for a living. I consider myself a professional. As such, I know there comes a point where you stop inflicting the screaming child upon its surroundings. My neighbors seem unaware that this moment has passed and are letting their kid(s) just lose it all over the place and at epic volume levels in my lovely, echo-ey courtyard. I love kids, but I HATE poorly behaved, ill mannered children who know no boundaries. GAH!

Enough of that. 

I'm reaclimating to Germany fairly well this time around. Two years ago when I went it was a lot harder. I cried for weeks. Literally. At the drop of a hat. This time, I've got some stuff to chew on, but mostly it's been nice to get back to a city where I'm the boss (and know how to buy public transit tickets, where to get groceries, don't get multiple parking tickets in one day, etc.)

I kind of want to get into all the fantasticness that I experienced at the hands of my friends in the US at this juncture, but at the same time, I feel like those shenanigans very much merit their own post with lots and lots of pictures. And it's getting close to my appointment with Sani--I should call her. Sometimes she's running wicked late...not sure if I want to walkjog three blocks and get all sticky and sweaty so I can read magazines for an hour. Though she's extremely entertaining, even when you're not getting your hairs trimmed. Decisions!

Bis bald, Kinders!

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