Believe it or not, I have missed you so. There's just been so much going on! Well, I suppose not more than normal, but details, details. I'm here now. My dashboard was so kind as to inform me that I last posted on the 2nd of August. It is now early October. That means I left out most of August and all of September. Bad, bad blogger! Oh well. What all went on is the question?
Well, the Schatz had his birthday. For which he came back from Zürich. We celebrated withmany lovely folks here in chez Bänsch and I do believe a good time was had by all. I spent a few weeks in August working in a relatively relaxed fashion, did a Swim & Run with the lovelyMs. Carina (we didn't do very well, but seeing as we were both vacationing beforehand, we didnot train very hard either. It is logical that there would be a correlation between the two).
School started for me (my last year! Oh and how I cannot wait for my exams! Seriously.), the Long Night of the Museums came to pass (I was not out very long at all, visited the Helmut Newton archives, Schloß Charlottenburg and a Synagogue)...I trained my munchkins to run a 1km race, which was charming and rewarding...and last but not least, THE SCHATZ RETURNED!
I picked him up from the central train station here on the 25th of September, at the end of a very crazy week. The last few weeks have been light-duty in terms of work (thank heavens!) and have enabled me/us to get a lot done around chez Bänsch. In fact, last weekend we renovated the bedroom. It was pretty cool and I've got some lovely before/after photos.
Bedroom before ...and after.
Another view of the revamped bedroom and the NEW BOOKSHELVES in the livingroom.
This weekend, we helped some friends move. They left the lovely Südkiez in favor of less rowdy Potsdam...I wish them eversomuch love and happiness there. And I hope we get to visit them lots, even though it's quite far away (at least by urban standards). The move is my excuse for not prepping my lesson for il Dottore...I feel like I've been out for 3 nights in a row drinking, when all I really did was schlepp/unbuild/rebuild IKEA furniture for 11 hours and inhale lots of dust. Getting old is a terrible thing.
Since the Schatz has been back, we've started a little habit of going out to breakfast on Sunday mornings. It's been lovely really--last week we went to a tiny cafe and I had a most delectible bagel with some kind of a goat camembert, arugula, pesto & tomato. Today we hit up a place called Kuchenrausch (Cake High) and were very impressed by service & food. Service is a rare commodity here. I haven't felt so pampered by a server in aeons!
On the whole, there hasn't been too much of note going on. My application process for Uni is coming along well--as far as I can tell, I have all of the necessary official documents, and they have all been notarized. Now I just have to put together a detailed resume for one University (so that they can see where I've been in the 6 years since I took my last German proficiency exam) and I'll be good to go. The conversation with the Boss Lady is also imminent. We shall see how that goes. Please do wish me luck and balls.
Hope this finds you well and enjoying all the apple pies, cider and pumpkin delicacies you can all stand!
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