Why hello!
I remember you!
And upon looking at the date of my last post, I also realized that it hasn't been as long ago and far away as I thought that I'd last send a missive through the wavy waves of the interweb.
I'm not as degenerate of a blogger as I thought.
Anyway. Back to the wild and wacky world of yours truly and all of the random shit that entails.
Welcome, I say.
What's been going on?
Well, loads and loads. I just happened through the pure coincidence which is my raging internet addiction to stumble across one of the best, most thorough horoscopes for my illustrious sign that I've seen in years (YEARS, MAN!). And basically, what it told me was 'November is your month, child. Now get your ass in gear.' Really, essentially that. With a few unmistakables such as a particular week being declared especially good for the submission of applications FORGRAD SCHOOL (I think they mentioned college, too...but that obviously doesn't concern me as much) and one week being singled out as especially good for le babymaking (unfortunately notmy pervue, although it DID cause me to fwd the link to another cancer friend).
ANYWAY, long story short, as a result I got my sht together and finally sent in my application for two law programs here in Berlin. And last Friday, I told my boss.
And you know...it really wasn't all that bad. She took it like the Real Woman of Class and Substance she is and told me that I had to go my own way and that there'd always be a dooropen for me in her little corner of the world. Cool, huh? Considering I'd been losing sleep/getting my panties in a ROYAL twist over this little sit down for...oh, MONTHS now, not half bad. I'm still waiting to hear what's missing from my application (I'm sure there'ssomething. Gotta love those German bureaucrats. Normal people cannot think as nitpicky as they are.) and I won't be getting any kind of definitive news for academic aeons, but the wheelsare moving. Just posting the damn thing was terrifying, but I'm working on that.
Otherwise, there's been the usual insane level of stress with school, clients, work and you know...the little social life I try to keep alive. But I think I sort of manage to keep things in balance...if by balance you mean some kind of death-defying, somewhat productive tailspin. But I'm not complaining. Tis not the season to complain. Tis the season to be thankful!
And thankful I am. Really. For what seem like a thousand blessings. Not the least of which is a good group of friends who humor my need to throw a fck-off dinner party in late November ever year. I make them cook in teams. They make great things. We reached culinary heights this year, in my opinion with the herbed dinner rolls. Those things were FANTASTIC. Despite afew unfortunate last-minute cancellations and a very unfortunate boxing match which kind of put a damper on the mood, it was a great time. This year, we didn't even need to borrow a table! We can seat twelve! It's great.
Other things to be thankful for include loyal clients, gainful employment, a nice warm place to call home...and (nearly) five years with the most supportive, funniest, beardiest human teddy bear known to man. And not leastly or lastly, a great family and great, loyal, supportive, wonderful friends in faraway places (yes, I mean you yanks).
Yous wonderful, alluvyas.
Thanks for being yourselves, thanks for being great (although since you ARE ALL GREAT, it comes out to one and the same. Whatever.)
Take care everyone.
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