Terrible how busy I've been.
All the things I listed off in my last post (months and months ago, I know) have served to keep me effectively distracted with all kinds of whatnot.
This weekend is the Berlin half marathon--which I won't be running this year, although I signed up. The winter was essentially one cold after another for me and my doctor advised me not to train with any kind of upper respiratory funk. So I didn't. Which meant I didn't wind up doing too much training. The Schatz is planning on running, I think he'll pull of a much better time than last year. It was hard for me to admit that I wasn't going to make it, but the amount of junk on my plate at the moment means that every day that isn't a war of attrition is an exercise in prioritizing. So whatever. There are other years and other races.
My Facharbeit is due Tuesday--I've got it done, now there's really only the fine-tuning left. It's been so long since I've actually had to organize a paper over ten pages that my structure is kind of junk. Got to work on that. I'm not that proud of it...despite the topic being near and dear to my heart. Time and resources didn't allow me to make it what I really wanted it to be, but perfection is the enemy of done. And I really do want to be done.
After that, there's the defense of the paper--in about a month, and then two exams in mid-May. If everything goes according to hoyle, I won't need to have oral exams and I'll be done. I've submitted a round of planning for the rest of 2011 and 2012 at the adult education center where I do some freelancing...we'll see how that works, not knowing any details of my potential university schedule.
Work at the moment is a battle. Right now we've got a decent amount of staff (two precious interns both born in the 90's, one of whom is forever in my good book for complimenting my make up) so it shouldn't be that stressful, but somehow it is. It seems like I'm throwing my energy into a bottompless pit every day. When I'm not there, I'm thinking about how to solve problems we have, how to deal with difficult parents, coworkers, etc. I love the kids--they are really everything, but it really is time for me to be done with this job, before I drop dead of exhaustion. I hardly have energy to hang out with friends--the Schatz has to drag me out and persuade me to have people over, both of which are unheard of circumstances. I'm hopefully that it'll have an end soon enough, though. Keep your fingers crossed that I hear something from one of the universities soon (it probably won't be until July, realistically speaking). Le sigh.
The good news in this dreariest quagmire of work and stress is that spring has finally sprung in Berlin. I love springtime in this city--the buds on the trees are ready to burst open with those first pale leaves and the days are getting so lovely and long. It does really make life at this latitude worthwhile. I'm counting on the sunlight and steadily increasing temperatures to get me through my exam prep and these last few months of work. I've started counting down the days...
I feel kind of terrible that I've not posted in so long and then when I finally do, it's just full of ennui. Life isn't all terrible--we were in Switzerland at the end of February and it was delightful. We're getting a return visit in mid-June which I'm looking very forward to. We'll also be headed back to the Harz for Easter with the Schatz's grandparents. I already had to give his grandfather our estimated arrival time so that he could start his menu planning. I think I'm going to start fasting now.
I'd like to be able to say with some certainty that my next post won't be so long in coming, but until I'm done with this certification nonsense, I can't promise anything.
I hope everyone's well.
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