Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hey all,
I know it's been ages since I've posted anything. Sorry. My computer is still dead and the magic (read: legal) passwords to revive it are all in the states. Awesome. My significant other is also an ebay-holic, so I don't spend a lot of time on the computer, unless I'm prepping for a course. Which I should be doing now. Next week and the week after that, I'm going to be evaluated by both my adult ed bosses. Tests of any sort are my natural enemy, so I'm a little nervous even though I get quite a bit of positive feedback from my participants. Usually. When they're not asking grammatical questions I can't answer. Or when I'm not misspelling the word "restaurant". I hate that my spelling and grammar are getting rusty--especially since it's my livelihood. Or part of it, at least. Let's see. What else is going on....? Kai is in Italy for a month, Tini's birthday was last week, Angie's dog died. Max is coming this weekend.

I started my Christmas shopping!

Work is a ton of fun--because of Sandra quitting, my hours got bumped up for November. I've been able to connect with the kids on a whole different level, just by being there longer each day. The progress is awesome. I'll be really sad when the month is over and I go back to working 15 hour weeks. The pay increase was also sweet. Oh well.

I've realized reading through this again that it's quite possibly the most disjointed post I've thrown up in a while. I apologize. However, I wanted to give a sign of life and let people who've emailed me know that I'm slowly replying. Slowly. Like the little engine that could.

Damn. I just lost a worksheet for my class tonight. Word crapped out on me. So. Back to the drawing board--hope everyone is well and I'll work on a better post soon.
