Friday, June 06, 2008

Euro Cup, Vo-Ho free Fridays, etc...

Hi folks--
Now that my computer's back among the living, I've resolved to update this thing more often. The big news around these parts is that the European Cup kicks off tomorrow night. In honor thereof, Stephan and I are playing in a fun soccer tournament tomorrow...I'm actually kind of psyched for it, considering that I haven't played soccer in about...ten years. It could be cool. Germany totally transforms during big, international tournaments like this one--the World Cup in 2006 was like Christmas, Easter, Passover and everyone's birthdays all happening at once. The traditionally anal-retentive and whiny Germans (okay, they're not ALL like that, but there are days when you really think that complaining is the national passtime) were happier than fat kids with a lifetime supply of free cake. So I'm looking forward to the atmosphere first and the actual games second, although they're not too bad, either.
Let's see...what else? I've got my German taxes about 9/10 filed...only a week late. I mean, I say "I've" got them almost filed, but I haven't gone near the damn things. This is one of the many moments where I'm glad I'm dating a "host country national" who has a vague idea of German tax law.
I also got some new plants! I replaced the oregano and the thyme that didn't survive the winter, got some strawberry plants and a banana tree. Don't ask about the banana tree. Wasn't my idea, but we'll see how it goes. other news, the rental still isn't reserved for my parents, because Stephan refuses to make an executive decision (ford or volvo) and insists on asking my dad, who checks his emails about once every three weeks. H'm...
Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on here. I'm going to sign off and enjoy not being at work. Yay!

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