Friday, October 03, 2008

German Unification Day

Happy Unification Day, folks!
So far, I've celebrated by going our for nachos, taking a eukalyptus bath and drinking about a gallon of hot water with lemon slices. It's really too bad, actually. The weather's the best it's been in days, and I'm about to drown in my own phlegm. I mean, I should have seen it coming. Usually it hits even earlier--I suppose I should count my blessings that it was early October and not early September when my festering pestilence hit. The timing's actually great. I had to tough out work and Vo-Ho on Wednesday, the I cut classes on Thursday and spent the entire day on the couch. If I keep this routine up, there's no way I won't be cured by Monday. I hope.

Anway, not too much is new at the moment. This week school started "officially" and the idiotic project month finally came to an end. From the one day of classes I attended, it'll be interesting. It's also odd to be back in a classroom setting where I know I'm going to be held accountable for the information I'm being presented with. I mean, so far it doesn't seem too overwhelming, but I'll have to get back to you on that, I guess. I don't have too much to go on at the moment.

As I was walking back from La Cucina Latina today, I saw an older man who looked really fantastic. He was wearing a nice little tweed hat and a cape...but not Sherlock Holmes-like. This thing really looked much more like a garment bag, or a normal trench without any form or tailoring whatsoever...basically a garment bag with a collar. I wish I'd taken a picture with my phone, because it was so modern, but at the same time totally classic. Yeah. That was the streetwise fashion report of the day. Thanks ladies and gents for your time.

In other news...Stephan and I were up in Le Schwies last weekend to celebrate Max's eighteenth birthday. I think it was my dear Angielein who infected me with her pestilence to begin with, but getting there at one in the morning on Friday (or Saturday if you want to split hairs) didn't help much, nor did the ridiculousness which ensued on Saturday night.
I get along pretty fantastically with Stephan's Mum and the other women in the village. When we go up there, it really does feel like I'm visiting part of my family that loves me and looks after me in it's own special way. It's also a great way to really intensively experience the culture of the north east. But anyway, these women DRINK. Not with the desperation of the English, not with the carelessness of the Americans...they do it as methodically and precisely as Germans seem to do everything. They always made sure my glass was full--that everyone's glass was full. Constantly. There was fig vodka, wayyy too much sparkling wine, white wine, red wine, beer...and I forgot that my golden rule is not to mix my booze. God. Those women With impunity. Not only did I have red wine stains on my Tillys, I had one of the most godforesaken hangovers EVER. Wret.ched. know me. I recovered. I made it back to Berlin. With Stephan, a bag of corn, a bag of pears, a bag of apples, a bag of chestnuts, other nuts...and all our other kit. It was a schlepp of epic proportions. We made it, though. But barely, as one notices by the fact that I've been wearing my OSU scrubs for the last 48 hours straight. Anyway...I would say enough geschwaetzt for now. It's time for another hot lemon toddy and a short nap on the couch. Maybe with a side order of James Bond?

Find time to vegitate, kinders. It regenerates the soul.
(brought to you by YogiTea and My favorite pink blanket.)

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