Sunday, August 13, 2006

my new-old addiction

I've relapsed. I'm ashamed to say I've reverted to my addiction to celebrity gossip. Weird things happen when I can be online as long as I want. One of which is that I start to care...well, okay, maybe not "care" but perhaps show a disproportionate amount of interest in how much Lindsay Lohan's new director hates her partying and/or whether or not Dave Navarro is boning Jenna Jameson. It's a sickness; I realize this. But just in case some of you share this dark, asinine passion, I've found some fabulous links:


People magazine's website is okay for beginners, and I like their slideshows and all...but they're always after you to subscribe. Anyway, spare me the hate on how shallow I am, it's boredom. Really.

Oh, but if you like a hint of glamour with your gossip, check out It's divine, dahhhling.

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